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is among the 100 most common surnames in Ireland, if we include
the many variations of the name: McCauley, MacAulay, McCawley, McGauley,
McCowley, McColley, Macauley, Cawley, Magawley, McCooley, Gawley,
original Gaelic form of MacAulay was MacAmlaiobh (Son of Olaf) or
MacAmhalghaidh (Son of the Spear Warrior?). There were at least
two Irish McAuley clans from which these surnames are derived:
in southern Fermanagh the descendants of Awley Maguire formed a
sept of the Maguire clan,
(2) in County Westmeath an important branch of the Southern O’Neill
clan took the surname MacAwley.
(3) Scottish settlers, most of whom settled in Ulster, especially
County Antrim,are believed to account for the majority of McAuleys
in Ireland.
addition, there is evidence of possible McCauley septs in Donegal,
Sligo, and elsewhere. These septs were not well documented because
of the chaotic history of Ireland during the late Middle Ages, but
modern research is shedding light into these MacAuley ancestors.
(McAuliffe, O’Cally,
McCully, and McCollough are different surnames which may have
occasionally been anglicized as McCauley. ) |
there were at least five McCauley clans (two Irish and three Scottish),
and since most of their descendants have dispersed from the ancestral
territories, it is extremely difficult for many McAulays to pinpoint their
ancestral clan. Fortunately, DNA analysis technology can now help identify
long-forgotten relationships, and the MacAulay Clan Society is coordinating
a MacAulay DNA Study that will help MacAuleys find
out which McCauley clan they are descended from.
of McAuleys
in Ireland (1901)
to the 1901 Census of Ireland, there were 4,571 persons named McAuley,
McCauley, McGauley, or one of the variant spellings. In addition, there
were 1,266 persons in Ireland named Cawley or Cauley. But MacAuleys are
not spread evenly throughout the island-- only six of the 32 counties
had more than 100 McAuleys, accounting for over 90 percent of the total.
The six McCauley-rich counties are Antrim, Cavan,
Donegal, Dublin, Down, and Fermanagh.
The McAuleys
of Dublin are believed to have come from other places in Ireland. The
McCauleys in the other five McAuley-rich counties are probably the descendants
of people who have lived in those counties for centuries. The McAuleys
of Antrim and Down are probably mostly descended from Scotch-Irish (Ulster-Scot)
settlers. The McCauleys of Fermanagh and Cavan mostly descend from the
MacAuley sept of the Maguire clan. (The MacAulay DNA Study has confirmed
this.) The large number of Donegal McCauleys are believed to are believed
to be descended from one or more poorly-documented septs that existed
in the late medieval period.
County Westmeath
had only 54 McAuleys in 1901, so it appears that most of the descendants
of the medieval MacAmhalghaidh clan had dispersed. The best-known descendants
of this clan, Mother Catherine McAuley and the Counts Magawley-Cerati,
are evidence of this dispersal.
Many, but
not all, of the 1,266 Cawleys of Ireland are believed to be descended
from McCauleys who dropped the "Mac" prefix. Some of these Cawleys
were in the five McAuley-rich counties, but the largest concentrations
are in Sligo and Mayo, and probably descend from poorly-documented septs.
Fermanagh MacAuleys
barony of Clanawley in southern Fermanagh is the ancient homeland
of this McAuley sept, which is descended from Awley Maguire (d. 1306)
who was a younger son of Donn Carrach Maguire (d. 1302) the first
Maguire ‘king’ of Fermanagh. It was during the lifetime
of Awley and his sons that the Maguires spread from their stronghold
in northeastern Fermanagh and crossed Loch Erne. Awley’s obituary
cites him as “Chief of Muintir Pheodacain”, a district
which was later renamed ‘Clanawley’ as his descendants
proliferated. |
Clan Awley reached the peak of its influence in the fifteenth century with
the chieftainship of Brian mac Awley oge Maguire (d.1466), whose sons were
the first to use the surname MacAwley instead of Maguire. After Brian’s
death the ClanAwley splintered into several smaller septs (McHugh, McMahon,
McArt, etc.) and only the senior branch retained the McAuley surname. Nevertheless,
the clan flourished in South Fermanagh as evidenced from this entry in the
Annals of the Four Masters for 1508: “Philip
oge MacAwley, son of Philip Reagh son of Brian, son of Awley son of Philip
son of Awley son of Donn Carrach Maguire, died. He was head of his own tribe,
and kept a house of hospitality.” |
territory possessed by the McAuleys was a swathe of land in South Fermanagh
extending roughly from the present town of Arney south to Swanlinbar.
Three different invasion routes into Fermanagh passed through this territory,
and the Irish Annals mention several battles against invaders that took
place in Clanawley. In 1502 Eamon MacAwley son of Phillip Reagh (see pedigree)
was slain defending his territory against a force of O'Reilleys. In 1538
another raid by O'Reilleys burned the 'town of Clanawley'. In 1594 an
English force marching to Enniskillen Castle was defeated by a Maguire-led
army at a ford near the Arney bridge that was renamed "Ford of Biscuits"
after the provisions that were left by the fleeing English army.
The MacAuleys
were virtually dispossessed by the plantation of Ulster in 1607. Although
Felim McAwly (apparently the chief) was allowed a lease for 50 acres,
it appears that the bulk of the clan remained in its traditional stronghold
between Arney and the rugged country along the Fermanagh-Cavan border.
During the vicious wars of the 1640s, Reamon oge MacAuley was an early
leader in the Fermanagh uprising. The last McCauley chief in Fermanagh
was Arthur McAwley, who took a prominent role in support of James II in
1688, and apparently died during the war. Arthur’s oldest son, Thomas
oge McAwley, was outlawed by name by the British Parliament in 1691 as
an “Irish Jacobite”. (See the pedigree of this family in Appendix
1.) |
Westmeath MacAwleys
MacAwleys of Westmeath ruled Calry, a territory in County Westmeath which
British records of the 1500s referred to as McGawley’s Country.
The core of this territory is the parish of BallyLoughlowe. They were
a branch of the Southern O’Neills, with a pedigree that reaches
back to Niall of the Nine Hostages (d. 405 A.D.), who was High King of
Ireland and a contemporary of Saint Patrick. (See Appendix
2.) The eponomous ancestor was named "Amhalghaid" an ancient
but difficult-to-pronounce Irish personal name. In English this was sometimes
spelled 'McAwaley', but more commonly it is 'McGauley' or 'McAuley'.
chiefs of this clan were known in Irish as Lords of Calry. The first reference
to these McAuley chiefs in the Annals of Four Masters appears in 1045
: "Amhalghaidh, son of Flann, chief of Calraighe, died of an unknown
disease...". The surname MacAmhalghada first appears in 1103 in an
account of "The battle of Ath-Calgain ... in which Cinaedh, son of
MacAmhalghada, lord of Calraighe-an-Chalaidh, died". Between 1103
and 1527 the MacAuleys are mentioned occaisonally in the Irish records,
always as chiefs of Calry. Elizabethan records refer to this territory
as "McGawley's Country". According to O'Donovan's research this
territory included at least four castles. (See Appendix 2.)
In 1590
Awley McGawley of Ballyloughlowe, claiming to be lord of four castles
and towns, petitioned the Queen's Privy Council to surrender his possessions
in Westmeath in return for a regrant of these properties to him as well
as a knighthood. This could have transformed Awlie from a clan chief to
a feudal lord with his clansmen as tenants. This petition was probably
resisted by the English authorities and/or other members of the MacAwley
clan, including Awlie's own brother William. In 1600 during the Elizabethan
wars, the army of Hugh O'Neill of Tyrone was hosted by William MacAwley
at his castle at Ballyloughloe.
McGauleys of Westmeath were not entirely dispossessed by the Elizabethan
conquest, but most became landless during the turmoil of the 1600s. Many
of them went into exile, of whom the most remarkable was Philip Henry
Magawley (1675-1756) who fought for James II and became a Jacobite exile
to the continent in 1693. Joining the Austrian Army, he rose to the rank
of general, and in 1734 was made a Count of the Holy Roman Empire. Although
Philip Henry Magawley had no male survivors, he was allowed to pass the
title to his nephew Francis and this line continues to the present. Francis's
grandson married into the influential Cerati family, creating the line
known as the Counts Magawly Cerati di Calry, which served the Austrian
Empire in important military and administrative positions. In the 1840s
this Austrian title received the "assent" of the British monarchy,
so that the Counts Magawli Cerati were able to live in Ireland as gentry.
The Counts apparently became Italian citizens after the breakup of the
Austrian Empire in 1918, although some female-line descendants are Irish.
Another branch of the Counts Magawley became German citizens about 1900,
where they were distinguished in military and intellectual pursuits. Their
arms are shown in Appendix 2.
best-known member of this clan was Mother Catherine McAuley (1779-1841)
daughter of James McGauley (1722?-1783). Born in Dublin, she was orphaned
at an early age. Devoting her life to religious service, she founded
the Sisters of Mercy. She was pictured on the Irish five-punt note
until 2002 when the Euro became the currency of Ireland. |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
MacAuleys in Ulster
majority of the MacAuleys in Ireland appear to be descended from Scottish
settlers, rather than the two indigenous clans mentioned above. The
bulk of these settled in Ulster, especially counties Antrim and Donegal.
The largest concentration of McAuleys in the world is probably in
County Antrim and in the Belfast environs of County Down. Nearly all
of these are of Scottish origin although a few are known
to be Fermanagh McAuleys. Although the MacAuleys of Ardincaple are
known to be associated with Antrim, DNA tests have shown that the
Ulster McAuleys are descended from at least five Scottish ancestral
families. |
McAuleys began arriving in the Glens of Antrim in the 1500s, long
before the Plantation of Ulster in 1607, with many of them in the
service of the McDonnells. After 1607 large numbers of Scots were
encouraged to settle in Ulster to populate the region with loyal
citizens. The Antrim McAuley population is divided fairly evenly
between Protestants and Catholics, but it is likely that they have
common Scottish ancestry, with the Catholics probably descended
from MacAulays who settled before the Reformation.
Many of the Antrim McAuleys appear to have a direct connection to the
Scottish MacAulays of Ardincaple, including some of the most senior branches
of the clan. This remarkable quote is from a book published in 1723 by
William Buchanan of Auchmor, Brief Enquiry into the Genealogy and
present state of ancient Scottish surnames:
“The next of that name to the family of Ardincaple is the representative
of Major Robert MacAulay, a gentleman of good estate in Glenarm, in the
County of Antrim, in Ireland, in which county a great many of the surname
County Donegal also has a large number of McAuleys. Even though Donegal
is adjacent to Fermanagh, most of the McAuleys of Donegal are probably
unrelated to the Fermanagh clan. Between 1300 and 1600 the Irish clans
of Ulster and Western Ireland hired thousands of Scottish mercenaries
(known as gallowglass), many of whom settled in Ireland. MacAulay was
a gallowglass name, so perhaps some of the Donegal McCauleys are descended
from these warriors. In addition, one of the Undertakers of the Plantation
of Ulster was Alexander MacAwley “alias Stewart”, who created
a fortified settlement in Donegal in the 1610s. (See Appendix
of the Scotch-Irish McCauleys of America are descended from these Scottish
settlers in Ulster, who left Ireland in waves of organized emigration (often
organized by Presbyterian ministers) that began about 1715 and continued
until the 1780s. Their experience as settlers and fighters in Ireland made
them ideal pioneers on the American frontier, where they were able to obtain
the land ownership and religious freedom that often eluded them in Ulster.
After 1815 emigration to America resumed with even greater force, but later
immigrants were more likely to head for urban areas or mining towns. |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
regarding Fermanagh McCauley Sept
from Grant of
Arms to Constantine Maguire
Courtesy of Robert Charles Maguire |
of the Chiefs of the ClanAwley of Fermanagh
Donn Mor Maguire (sons: Magnus, GillaIosa, Gofraidh ruadh,GillaIosa
eile, Niall)
Maguire (sons: Donnell, ...)
Maguire (sons: Donn Carrach, Lochlainn, Caffrey)
Carrach Maguire (Maguire Chief and King of Fermanagh, d.1302)
sons: Flaherty, Awley, MacCraith
Maguire (Chief of Muintir Pheodacain, d 1306)
Philip, Mahon, Art, Turlagh, Davin, Hugh |
Maguire (Chief of Muintir Pheodacain, d. 1351)
sons: Awley oge, Niall, Hugh, GillaIosa, Flaherty, Rory, Sean
oge Maguire (Chief of Muintir Pheodacain, d.1400) son: Brian
MacAwley Maguire (Chief of his tribe and Lord of Clanawley, d.1466)
sons: Philip reagh, Sean buidhe, GilPatric dubh, Taidg, Manus
Reagh MacAwley (Chief of his tribe, d.1480)
sons: Eamon, Phillip oge, Magnus?…
MacAwley (sl. 1502) sons: Donnach, …
MacAuley (sons: Donnach oge, Reamon, Hugh, Magnus dubh)
MacAuley (sons: Brian, Art, GilPatrick)
MacAuley (sons: Thomas, William)
MacAuley , (sons: Arthur, Brian, Reamon oge)
MacAuley (sl. 1689?) sons: Thomas oge, Felim, Brian buidhe, Patrick
oge MacAuley (outlawed 1691) sons: Arthur, Dominick |
The pedigrees of the other branches of the sept are provided in Geinealaighe
Fearmanach, entries #797 through #839 plus #898 through #911.]
Sources: Annals of Ulster, Geinealaighe Fearmanach, Annals of the
Four Masters
A 1718 Account of the Fermanagh MacAuleys, by John Dolan
Dolan was a local historian who wrote a manuscript circa 1718 about the
leading families and places in Fermanagh. The following paragraph is taken
from this manuscript, which was published in The Clogher Record,
1958. Note that all the people mentioned below also appear in the pedigree
Donn the son of Daniel are derived several off-spring in Fermanagh. From
Amhly his son are the family called the progeny of Brian mac Awly who
had an estate in the Legan of Clinawly called of that ilk, i.e. Duthaigh
Sleachta Brian. Of this family are many but the most eminent in credit
and ability since our remembrance was Artt MacAwly whose sons were Thomas
oge, deceased , and Brian boy, now extant, who also pretends to as much
antiquity by demonstrations of writings and traditions as any of the name
or more. Yet I do not here undertake to insert them for being the very
eldest of the name lest I shoulden. I leave the deciding of such to the
old antiquaries of the county.” |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2. Notes regarding Westmeath MacAuleys
of the MacAwley Chiefs of Westmeath
pedigree of this family is recorded in detail in the Office of the
Chief Herald of Ireland, according to Edward MacLysaght, former
Chief Herald. I have not seen this detail, but below is a pedigree
copied by O'Clery about 1635 from an older manuscript, probably
the Book of Ballymote from about 1375.
O'Clery's Pedigrees: [copied c.1635 from an older manuscript]
" #851. Amlaibh mac Amlaibh mac Muircertaigh mac Aedha finn
mac Magnusa mac Muircertaigh mac Domnhaill mac Floinn mac Aedha
mac Amhlaibh mac Ferghail mac Con coiccriche mac Forannain mac Suibnhe
mac Domnaill mac Ruaric mac Cathusaigh mac Aedha mac Cuinn mac Maoil
fhoithaid mac Croimthainn mac Brennan mac Brain mac Maine mac Niall
[ O’Cleary uses the Gaelic name “Amhlaibh” for
this clan, while every other authority uses the form “Amhalghaidh”.
In The McCarthy's Book of Annals is
an entry for 1392 mentioning 'Amhlaoibh mac Amhlaoibh MacAmhalghadha,
chieftain of Calraighe", who is probably the first man on this
pedigree.] |
Analecta Hibernica, 1970, by the Irish Manuscripts Commission;
here is a chart prepared to accompany some court documents describing
a property dispute between leading members of the Westmeath Magawley clan:
Mor McAuly____________________ |
Auly Duff (sl.1527)
Auly Oge
Farrell Oge
___________Auly Oge________
(d.1606) |
(d.1617) |
[ Note
that there appears to be a gap of several generations between the end
of the pedigree and the beginning of the genealogical chart from Annalecta
Hibernia. Fortunately, the descendants of William MacAwley (d.1613)
left a pedigree, printed in John O'Hart's Irish Pedigrees, which
fills in the missing generations.]
Exerpts from Ordinance Survey Letters, by
John O'Donovan (September 4, 1837)
The parish of Ballyloughloe derived that name from a
small village of the same name, situated about five miles east and north
of Athlone... the people never call the parish Ballyloughloe, but Calree,
which was the ancient name of Magawley's country in Westmeath. The name
Ballyloughloe seems originally have been that of a castle situated on
the bank of a lake called Loch Luatha, and to have been in later ages
transferred to the parish. Of this castle only one vault remains, but
its site should be marked on the ordinance map. ...I find that local tradition
ascribes the erection of it to Magawley, the Irish chief of Calree.
...The hill of Tullymagawley preserves as a 'momumentum
aere perennius' the name of the ancient lord of the soil. It was perhaps,
the hill on which Mag Amhalghadhe was inaugurated. Mag Amhalghadha of
Calraighe an chalaidh is of the southern Ui Neill, and descends from Maine
progenitor of the men of Teffia.
The following ruins of castles are still to be seen
in this territory of Calry, and if, according to tradition , they all
belonged to Magawley, he must have been a chief of no small power:
1. The castle of Carn (Ballyloughloe),
2. The castle of Creeve,
3. The castle of Cloghamarshall (Cloghmarichall),
4.The castle of Moydrum. |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
3. Notes regarding Scotch-Irish (Ulster-Scot) McAuleys |
1586, Pardons for MacAuley followers of Sorley
boy MacDonnell
One of the oldest surviving
documents of the name McAuley in Antrim
was the 1586 pardon granted to Sorley boy MacDonnell and 187 of
his followers. Of the 188 names on this document, nine of them were
#127 Bernard McAuley, #149 Donchye Grouma McColla, #150 Alister
McDonaghy Grouma McColla, #155 Bernard Boy McAuley, #158 Brian McAuley,
#178 Turlough McAuley, #181 Brian McAuley, #182 Gilladuff McAuley,
#187 Gillagrouma Roy McAuley. The spellings are as written by an
English scribe. It might be significant that two men are listed
as "McColla" while seven are "McAuley".
Alexander MacAwley, an Undertaker in the Plantation of Ulster
1609 Alexander MacAula of Durlin, Scotland,
was granted 1,000 acres of confiscated land in County Donegal, on
condition that he fortify it and settle it with British tenants.
A follow-up survey by Nicolas Pynnar in 1619 showed that MacAwley
was among the more successful undertakers:
1,000 acres. Alexander MacAwley, alias Stewart, hath one thousand
acres, called Ballyneagh. Upon this there is built a bawn of lime
and stone, seventy feet square, with four flankers, and a stone
house in it.
" I find planted and estated upon this land, of British Birth
...[acreages listed, but no names]... Total eleven families, who
with their undertenants , are able to make thirty men armed; these
have taken the Oath of Supremacy [to the Protestant Episcopal Church].
Here is good tillage, and I saw not one Irish family on the land."
Alexander MacAwley of Durling was a first cousin of Sir Aulay MacAulay,
chief of Ardincaple (see below). When Sir Aulay died without heirs,
Alexander became the next chief of the MacAulays
of Ardincaple, and he sold his Donegal property.
Aulay MacAulay, chief of Ardincaple, unsuccessful Petitioner
in Plantation of Ulster
1610, as the confiscated lands of Ulster were being distributed,
Sir Arthur Chichester received a petition from Sir Aula M'Aula of
Ardincaple, Scotland, requesting the tuaths of Parke and Larne in
Antrim, as well as the Castle of Glenarme and all lands belonging
to it. However, King James decided to leave County Antrim out of
the Plantation and re-grant it to Randall MacDonnell. Although Sir
Aula was unable to obtain these lands in Antrim, it appears that
numerous MacAulay clansmen emigrated to Antrim, many in service
to MacDonnell. And in 1642 Major Alexander MacAulay, believed to
be a nephew of Sir Aulay, was able to obtain land near Cushendell
in Antrim. (see below)
Source: Rev. George Hill, An Historical Account
of the Macdonnells of Antrim
1659 ‘Census’ of Ireland
the 1660s the British government levied poll taxes and hearth taxes
on the population, and from this a rough ‘census’ of
households or adults was made. By far the largest concentration
of MacAuleys on the island was in County Antrim, where 51 McAuleys
were found. The only other concentrations were in County
Fermanagh (Clanawley Barony) with 11 McAuleys and Sligo (Tyrell
Barony) with 10.
County Antrim, a total of 42 McAullys were in the barony of Glencarne,
making it the most common surname in the barony. The most important
McAuley appears to be Major Alexander MacAwley of Glenville, (see
descendants below). Two other McAuleys owned title to land, and
they are the only ones named in this census: Neill oge McAully,
gent.; and Mortagh McAully, gent.; both residing in the townland
of Glendune in Glenarm parish. (Fortunately, many of the hearth
tax records from the 1660s have been saved, and 24 additional McAuley
householders are identified by name, nearly all of them in Layd
The identity of the 10 McAuly families in County Sligo are a mystery.
Perhaps these are fugitives from Donegal or Westmeath or Fermanagh
who relocated during the turmoil of the 1640s and 1650s. We know
that in the rebellion of 1641 the rebels destroyed most of the plantation
settlements of Donegal and that many settlers fled to Sligo. Also,
in the 1650s it was Cromwell’s policy (started but not completed)
to resettle all Irish Catholics to Connaught province, which would
include Sligo. Another possibility is that there was a long-established
Irish clan in the area that has been poorly documented. The surname
Cawley is very common in Sligo, and perhaps Sligo Cawleys are descended
from these 10 McAuly families.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Family of Major Alexander MacAulay of Glenville
the 1850s Rev. George Hill observed a tombstone in the old church-yard
of Layd, near Cushendell in Antrim that refers to the Major Alexander
MacAulay who was prominent in the 1660s. The stone stated that
the first of the Glenville MacAulays was Alexander MacAulay of Ferdincaple
(Ardencaple?) who came to Ireland in the Scotch army of Charles
I [circa 1642]. Hill continues with information on at least
four generations of this family: |
Major Alexander MacAulay (from Ferdincaple) of Glenville
(married Alice Stewart, had several children, including Alexander
II, oldest son)
Alexander MacAulay (II) of Glenville
(married Mildred Reid; son = Alexander III, daughter = Rose)
Alexander (III) MacAulay of Glenville ( ?-1766)
(married Margaret Boyd; sons = Alexander IV and Hugh, two daughters)
Alexander MacAulay (IV) of Glenville (1734-1817)
(married Julia Acheson. Was Sheriff of Antrim County in 1766.)
4b. Hugh MacAulay Boyd (1746-1794) (changed surname to inherit maternal
Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 1860. “Gleanings in
Family History from the Antrim Coast” by Rev. George Hill.
MacAwley Towerhouse on the Antrim Coast
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland possesses a map of the
parish of Layd, probably made in the 1650s for a Cromwellian survey,
which shows a castellated house in the townland
of Agolagh belonging to “Donagh Groome McGawly, Irish papist
proprietor, otherwise loyal to the English interest and no delinquent”.
(See P.R.O.N.I. 597/2)
the drawing, the castellated house appears to be a towerhouse castle
of the style that was numerous in Ireland in the 1500s, although
it might be one of the stockier plantation castles that were built
in the first half of the 1600s. This clearly was the stronghold
of an important MacAwly .
There are no MacAuleys listed for the townland of Agolagh in the
hearth tax rolls of the 1660s, and I have not found any further
information on Donagh groome McGawly or his towerhouse.
Gate (Geata MacAmhlaiobh)
Gate (Geata MacAmhlaiobh in Irish Gaelic) is a small town
on the southeastern shore of Lough Neagh in County Antrim. Although
Gawley’s Gate is at the opposite end of County Antrim from
where McAuleys are thickest, it seems likely that the Gawleys who
founded this town were McAuleys of Scottish ancestry. It appears
that the surname Gawley is used locally rather than McAuley or McGauley.
of Donegal
name McCauley is fairly common in Donegal. Even though Donegal is
adjacent to Fermanagh, it seems unlikely that most Donegal McCauleys
are of the same clan as the Fermanagh McCauleys. Possibly these
Donegal McCauleys are the descendants of Galloglas warriors who
were hired by Irish clans as mercenaries. One of the earliest references
to McCauleys in Donegal is from a 1608 account of Sir Cahir O'Doherty's
ill-timed rebellion:
of the Surprise of the City of Derrie: The fort of Culmore
being taken by treachery on Monday night, the 18th of April 1608,
by Sir Cahir O'Dohertie, Knt., Phelime Reaugh M'Daved, Donell
og M'Calley, and others of that plot, with the O'Gallochers
of Tyrconnell, the said rebels being four score and ten in number...marched
on and came to the city of Derrie the next day..." (State
Papers, Ireland, vol. 224, 92 II)
It is clear from this passage that Donnell
oge M'Calley was an important person in the rebellion, probably
a leading soldier. (Phelim Reagh McDavid was the foster brother
of Sir Cahir O'Doherty.) There were no known Fermanagh McAuleys
named Donnell at that time. Nor did Ever McColla (McMahon) have
any sons named Donnell. Perhaps the Donegal McCauleys are related
to this Donnell oge M'Calley. (An English document of the 1580s
notes "Clan Alin is a sept under O'Dohertagh". Could MacAlin
have become McCauley?)
APPENDIX 4. Names similar
to McAuley and McCauley
O’Cally, McCully, and McCollough are different surnames which are
occasionally anglicized as McCauley.
name McAuliffe is very common in Munster.
From the 1300s to the 1600s the McAuliffe CIan ruled a territory in northwestern
County Cork called Clanawley, which is completely different from the Clanawley
barony in Fermanagh ruled by the McAuleys of Fermanagh. In Irish Gaelic
the name McAuliffe was spelled MacAmhlaiobh, exactly the same
as the Fermanagh McAuleys. However, in Cork the final F consonant of the
name was almost always pronounced, while in Fermanagh it was almost always
dropped. For further information see The
MacAuliffe Site
The name O'Cawley
is now extremely rare, but it is possible this it is the stem name of
many Cawleys. John O'Hart discusses the genealogy of a clan named O'Cadhla
in Gaelic, who once were Chiefs of Connemara in west Galway. O'Hart says
this name is anglicized as O'Cawley, MacCawley, and Cawley; but it appears
that it is more often anglicized as Kealy. Nowadays, Cawley is very common
in Counties Mayo and Sligo. There is at least one known case where a Cawley
became a McCawley in the belief that Mac was the original prefix. Although
DNA analysis is still in the early stages, DNA results for Cawleys have
so far indicated that they are distinct from the McCauleys of Fermanagh.
The name Cawley can also be of English origin. (See Irish Pedigrees,
by John O'Hart, pp 305-306.)
name McCollough is very common in Ulster.
It is believed these McColloughs are descendants of Scottish settlers,
as there were two separate clans of the name in Scotland. The originial
name in Gaelic is believed to be Mac Cullach, "son of the
boar". In America this name was common among the Scotch-Irish settlers,
and in some cases the name may have evolved into McCauley. |
MacAulay (Especially
useful for McAuleys of Antrim.)
(Mostly covering North America & Australia.)
Family Message Board
Clan MacAulay Society.
(Mostly Scottish.)
Maguire Clan website:
(Fermanagh McAuleys)
Clan MacAulay DNA Study
The Ulster Clans |
by Patrick MacAuley. Updated November 4, 2011
For comments contact clanawley@hotmail.com